Friday, March 09, 2007

Care for your beautiful eyes

Here I am once again to give my viewers some interesting tips about those beautiful pairs of eyes which are God gifted. Yes, I think God had gifted us with five very precious common senses and eyes are once of them. So, proper care should be taken to keep it beautiful.

1. for removing dark circles: Under eye dark circles are caused due to lack of sleep, for some vitamin/mineral deficiency, due to aging or for fatigue. So, regarding this problems, the homemade recipes which we can use are:
a. Grate a raw potato and wrap it in cheesecloth. Put it onto the eyelids for about fifteen to twenty minutes and then rinse it well with warm water.
b. Make a mixture of one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of tomato juice. Apply it on the black circles around the eyes two times a day. It lightens the circle.
c. Apply crush mint around the eyes to lighten the dark under eye circles.

2. for better vision of eyes: Some of the points which we should keep in mind to avoid glasses or lenses are as follows:
a. Eat lots of green vegetables, fish and fresh fruits, especially carrot which are enriched in vitamin A.
b. Carrot leaves are wonderful herbal medicine. At first, submerge carrot leaves in hot water and then leave it for sometimes. Before meal, drink this liquid three times a day.
c. Dip a cotton ball in cold water and then keep it on the eyes. It gives a feeling of relaxation.
d. Tea bags are even good for eyes.

3. for reducing swells and bags under eyes: To reduce the puffiness of the eyes, we can do the following:
a. Compress the eyes with cheesecloth containing grated fresh potato for about four tablespoon. Place it for about fifteen minutes and then rinse well with cold water.
b. Place left over tea bags, slightly cool, onto the eyes. It even soothes the eyes.
c. Prepare a strong tea and then dip two cotton balls in it. Now, place it on the eyelids for a while.
4. for tired eyes: Tiredness of eyes is caused due to many reasons, like, lack of sleep, tension, stress etc. So, some of the homemade remedies which can help you to get rid of these are:
a. Dip two cotton pads in icy cold water and then place it over the eyes to ease to your eyes.
b. Place sliced cucumber on eyelids to sooth the eyes.
c. Soak cotton balls in cold milk and place it over the eyes for about ten minutes. After ten minutes, rinse well with warm water and then with cold water.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Usefulness of Ginger

Ginger is a tropical plant which is mostly flourished in southern Asia, Jamaica and Nigeria. It is commonly used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for over two thousand years to treat number of health related problems, like stomach disorder, vomiting, diarrhea, motion sickness and rheumatism. Ginger is anti oxidant in nature.
In Chinese medicine, half of the prescription contains ginger in some or the other form. Basically, there are two forms of ginger; viz. fresh and dried. Fresh ginger are used to get relief from cold, vomiting and it weeps away toxic waste from our body. Whereas, dried ones are useful in stomach pain, rheumatism and cough. Ginger even decreases the risk of heart diseases by lowering the level of cholesterol. It is also beneficial to cure bowel infections. Ginger gives ease to soar throats, headaches, fevers and aches during flu. Other than herbal remedies ginger is also used as a common cooking spice and is found in a variety of foods and drinks, like ginger bread, ginger sticks, ginger tea; where ginger tea is known to have great refreshing properties.

Monday, March 05, 2007


Garlic came from the old English word “garleac”, which means “spear leek”. It’s been used as a staple food for long in Mediterranean region. Egyptians worship garlic and since it is highly prized, so they are even used as currency.
Garlic is used both as for taste as well as for medicine in various cultures for thousands of years. Most of the Indians cannot think of preparing food without garlic. But, garlic almost looses the medicinal value once it has been cooked well with spices. Garlic belongs to onion family. It is mostly cultivated in cool winter climates. Eating garlic daily with proper dose, as per doctors’ prescription, helps to prevent cancer and cardio-vascular diseases specially. The other medicinal values of garlic are as follows:
1). It has anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.
2). It helps to regulate blood pressure as well as blood sugar.
3). It helps in minimizing the cholesterol level.
4). It has anti-oxidant properties.
5). It prevents blood from clotting and thus reduces the possibility of strokes and heart attacks.
6). Raw garlic is wonderful natural antibiotics.