Diseases are the part of our life. Everyday, every moment we’ve to face lots of viruses, bacteria etc. But with advanced medical science people are now able to fight with different diseases. But another problem will start from there…Side Effect. Yes, there are so many treatments, healing systems that contain chemicals. Minimum intake of those chemicals could be dangerous for our life. Sometimes that may leads to death also. Ayurveda can be the best alternate to today’s medical science without any side effects. A natural harmony between Ayurvedic principles and the human structure is the main factor for its effectiveness. Today’s people are getting sick both mentally and physically. Stress is becoming a part of our life. Ayurveda not only helps to build a strong health but at the same time also helps a human being to get a strong and healthy mind. Stress, anxiety, depression and all other mental disabilities have a deep impact on our physical health. Here ayurveda can solve the problem from the root. It helps to maintain a proper balance between our health and mind.

I’ve found an article Ayurvedic medicine, saying that “In Ayurvedic medicine, disease is always seen as an imbalance in the dosha system, so the diagnostic process strives to determine which doshas are underactive or overactive in a body. Diagnosis is often taken over a course of days in order for the Ayurvedic physician to most accurately determine what parts of the body are being affected. To diagnose problems, Ayurvedic physicians often use long questionnaires and interviews to determine a person's dosha patterns and physical and psychological histories. Ayurvedic physicians also intricately observe the pulse, tongue, face, lips, eyes, and fingernails for abnormalities or patterns that they believe can indicate deeper problems in the internal systems. Some Ayurvedic physicians also use laboratory tests to assist in diagnosis.”